Dr. Ekin Kozal received her PhD degree in 2006 at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, her MA degree at Bilkent University in 1999, and her BA degree at Ankara University in 1996, all in Archaeology. Since 2004, she has been teaching at the Department of Near Eastern Archaeology of Çanakkale University. She is also an Associate researcher of the Near Eastern Archaeology Department of Bern University. Currently, she is conducting research at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Department of Near Eastern Archaeology, as she received an Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellowship for experienced researchers.


Dr. Kozal has conducted research at various projects in Turkey from the west coast (Troy) to the Syrian border (Alalakh). Her main expertise lies in the study of cultures and interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. Her research, mainly in southern Turkey at Kilise Tepe, Sirkeli Höyük, and Alalakh, deals with local and imported material cultures, along with a focus on chronology. The circulation of materials and shared styles are used as a mean to investigate connections through changing and evolving political hegemonies and social structures. In addition, she has collaborations with geologists on provenance studies that have proven to be crucial in examining production centers and interactive processes. Dr. Kozal is the author of a book and the editor of two volumes, in addition to numerous book chapters and journal articles. She has trained PhD and master students.



Selected Publications

Kozal (2017), Fremdes in Anatolien. Importgüter aus dem Ostmittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien als Indikator für spätbronzezeitliche Handels- und Kulturkontakte (Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 11) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


 Novák, E. Kozal, D. Yaşin (Hrsg. 2019), Sirkeli Höyük. Ein urbanes Zemtrum am Puruna-Pyramos im Ebenen-Kilikien. Vorbericht der schweizerisch-türkischen Ausgrabungen 2006-2015 (Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 13) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


Kozal, S. Hacıosmanoğlu, M. Kibaroğlu, G. Sunal (2020), A General Outlook on the Connections between Alalakh and Cyprus in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Textual, Archaeological and Archaeometric Studies, in K.A. Yener, T. Ingman (Hrsg.), Alalakh and its Neighbours. Proceedings of the 15th Anniversary Symposium at the New Hatay Archaeology Museum, 10-12 June 2015, (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 55), Leuven: Peeters, 417-430.


Kozal (2018), South, Central and North Central Anatolia in Eastern Mediterranean Networks: An Archaeological Perspective on Maritime and Land Routes in the Late Bronze Age, in Ü. Yalçın (Hrsg.), Anatolian Metal VII, Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau Museum, Bochum, 219-231.


Kozal (2015), A Discussion of the Origin and the Distribution Patterns of Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware in Anatolia: Cultural Connections across the Taurus and Amanus Mountains in: D. Beyer, A. Tibet (Hrsg.), 3èmes Rencontres d’Archéologie de l’IFEA – 2012, La Cappadoce Meridionale de la Prehistoire a la Periode Byzantine, Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes.

Ekin Kozal